Other fun stuff:
More writing activities! Here are ideas that will kick-start writing with kids. They're written for families to do, but will work in the classroom, too:
Round Robin Stories
Wacky Headlines
Invent a World
"Seeing with your imagination" activities! These activities go along with another article I've written for parents. I think you'll get a kick out of them.
Cloud Shapes
What are they?
DaVinci's Doodles
IGYFT (for those of you who want the ultimate doodling challenge!)
There's a new holiday to help kids stay creative! Find out why I've started
Keep Kids Creative Week, held the last week in September. (And see a cool piece of animated type I made.)
Want to see some food art? This is another way I use my creativity in our family, though my wife thinks if I have time to play with lunchmeat, I have too much time on my hands.
Learn to juggle! These three pages will give you the basics. Hey, if this bear can do it, so can you!
Go on a Scavenger Hike or a Town Treasure Hunt! These are a great way to get outdoors as a family and learn to truly notice things.
More drawings! See a page of drawings I've created just this year in schools! (Or see the 187 drawings I drew during the last school year) Some of these drawings are bound to make you ask -- what is going in this picture?? Also, here's a page of my favorite drawings I've done in schools.
Odd animals! Here are some animals that lumberjacks have made up. There are many more I've discovered in old books -- I hope to post more soon.
Stars in your eyes? Here's help finding a few summer constellations -- plus my own funny versions!
Strange but true inventions! Here are some of the weirdest things ever given a patent by our government. I've drawn some of them for you, too.
Here's a list of some odd museums in our country.
Art Monkeys! See my beginning collection of monkeys in great paintings.
Fortune Cookie Stories? Here's how to bake up a good tale from using fortune cookies.
There sure are many strange ways to greet people across the world.
Would you like to watch silent comedies? Here's a guide to watching them with kids.
People are always asking me about my books. I've finally posted a page to highlight them.
There are famous creative people who I greatly admire. From time to time, I post a new page with my thoughts on one of these heroes of the imagination. Read about Edward Lear, C.S. Lewis, M.C. Escher and Norman Rockwell. I'll keep adding more as I have time.